quarta-feira, 20 de agosto de 2014

UnB(Universidade Brasilia)Introducao ao Shogi ブラジリア大学での将棋の紹介 UNB (Brasilia University) Introduction to Shogi

2014年8月18日にブラジリア大学で江越 克将先生が将棋の紹介を日本語学部の師弟達を中心に行いました。

No dia 18 de Agosto de 2014 o professor Katsumasa Egoshi fez uma apresentação sobre shogi na universidade de Brasília para os professores e alunos do departamento de língua japonesa. O conteúdo foi sua apresentação como professor, o shogi como cultura, e a propaganda sobre as palestras sobre shogi que estão sendo planejadas para ocorrerem na universidade de Brasília.

On August 18, 2014 Professor Katsumasa Egoshi did a presentation about shogi at the University of Brasilia for teachers and students of the Japanese language department. The content of his presentation was his self-presentation, shogi as culture, and publicity about the lectures of shogi that are being planned to be done at the University of Brasilia.

quarta-feira, 6 de agosto de 2014

Decisión representante Chile, チリ代表決定、 Chile representative decision

Selección Chilena de Shogi

Siendo primero de agosto de 2014 a las 20:00 hora chilena se ha realizado la selección final de Chile para representar al país en el Foro Internacional de Shogi en Shizuoka, el torneo se llevo a cabo en el servidor online 81dojo. Luego de torneos preliminares de cada ciudad tres representantes por ciudad tuvieron la oportunidad de conseguir un cupo para representar a Chile. Las ciudades con sus respectivos representantes fueron Victoria Pulido de Santiago, Christhoper Gallardo de Valdivia y Cristian Rivera de Punta Arenas, siendo seleccionado Christhoper Alexis Gallardo.

Felicitaciones al representante de Chile


代表者名はChristhoper Alexis Gallardo Ceron で Valdivia市出身の23歳。

Chilean Shogi selection                                                                                                         August 1st, 2014

Chile -  8.00 PM.  The final Chilean selection was carried out at the online Shogi server 81dojo in order to decide a national representative for the International Shogi Forum in Shizuoka on December 5th. The final selection was played by the winners of the three national clubs' championships. Victoria Pulido from Santiago, Christhoper Gallardo from Valdivia and Cristian Rivera de Punta Arenas. As a result, Christhoper Gallardo was chosen Chilean representative for the ISF 2014.

Congratulations to the Chilean representative

domingo, 3 de agosto de 2014

Quermesse Templo Shin Budista de Brasilia ブラジリア本願寺祭 Quermesse of Shin Buddhist Temple of Brasilia

Sábado dia 2 de Agosto teve o inicio da 41° Quermese Templo Shin Budista de Brasília. Tivemos explicação e partidas para treinar  Shogi.  A barraca do Shogi estará aberta nos três primeiros finais de semana do mês de Agosto, das 17h as 22h.


In this Saturday, August 2nd, the 41 ° Quermesse of Shin Buddhist Temple of Brasilia had started. We had some explanations about Shogi, and training games. The Shogi explanations will be open on the weekends of August from 17h to 22h. Only at the final weekend of August we won`t open.

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